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Timeless stud earrings with emeralds set in 14 carat gold. 

Stone size: 4 - 4.3 mm
Earring weight with clasp: ~ 0.4 g

The color of the stone may differ slightly from that shown in the photos.

Emeralds, a variety of beryl, are renowned for their deep green color, attributed to the presence of chromium and vanadium. They often contain inclusions—natural “signatures” of the stone's formation—referred to as “jardins” (French for “gardens”). This term alludes to the intricate and often beautiful patterns formed by the inclusions within the stone. These "gardens" are unique to each emerald, making every gemstone truly special.

Inclusions are an integral part of an emerald's nature, enhancing its character and charm.

Emeralds have a hardness of 7.5 – 8 on the Mohs scale, meaning they are relatively hard but not as durable as diamonds or sapphires. However, their inclusions and natural brittleness make them particularly challenging to set.

To improve their durability and clarity, many emeralds undergo treatments such as oiling or the filling of micro-cracks with special substances. This is a widely accepted practice. 

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Send the declaration of withdrawal and the goods to the following address: Mokotowska 26 Street, 00-561 Warsaw. The statement must be accompanied by a receipt as proof of purchase. Template statement to download.

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The jewelry should not be exposed to direct sunlight, humidity, dust as well as detergents or alcohol. You can protect it against these factors with a special casket or original jagg. packaging. It is also important that individual pieces of jewelry do not come into contact with each other. Otherwise they can easily become scratched. Always take off your jewelry before taking a bath, visiting a beautician or going to the gym.

Gold jewelry with precious stones regularly clean with water and dishwashing liquid. When cleaning gold remember that it is a very soft metal which can be easily scratched.

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